Saturday, June 29, 2024

On Maidenhead's Great Park

The golf course site is public open space as shown in both the Borough Local Plan and the Maidenhead Advertiser in 1953. Unless evidence is produced to show that the requirement of two weeks' publication of plans in a local newspaper and consideration of objections were satisfied, we must consider the golf course site to be public open space still.

Maidenhead Great Park is not just a proposal but a reality; we must fight to protect it - and if the current Council doesn't have the political willpower or financial/human resources, then I will raise the matter in Parliament to the relevant Secretary.

Friday, June 28, 2024

View the Maidenhead hustings

A member of a local politics Facebook group has helpfully posted a full video of the hustings online. See them here:

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wessex Regionalism near Wessex Way

I was gladly joined on the campaign trail today by David Robins from the Wessex Regionalist Party. We’ve been leafleting around Wessex Way and other roads named after the Heptarchy.

As part of the Wessex region, Maidenhead will be able to ally itself with other Western areas, putting environmental and green concerns at the forefront and preserving our great Western local character even as we have become more connected, by transport, to London.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hustings video link

Visit this site to request the YouTube link to Maidenhead hustings:


Silly me forgot to advertise this event on all my platforms!

I am hosting a meet-and-greet event at Michele’s CafĂ©, Cookham, between 11am and 4pm today!

Monday, June 24, 2024

On Brexit and Democracy

From a letter given to constituents in the Pinkneys Green ward, 9th June 2024.

Having taken an avid interest in politics since the 2010 General Election, I became disillusioned with politics in the fallout of the Brexit vote. Brexit involved the largest democratic exercise in the U.K.'s history, yet exactly what the vote would mean constitutionally was immediately thrown in to question. The debate became so toxic that many wished to no longer hear the B-word. Many also put their trust in different parties, voting differently because of the Government's indecision.

Brexit brought into sharp contrast the inefficiencies of our political system.

As an independent I am not interested in towing a party line but doing the best I can for my constituents. I am for electoral reform and believe in [having one] proportionally elected [House] and [one] constituency-elected [House] - the latter because I know how important local representation is.

Our current system puts national, ideological representation and local representation in conflict - but this CAN be different! I will do my job as a constituency MP by representing constituents and consulting them regularly - but also advocate for REFORM such that ideological representation may also happen locally. Paradoxically, I urge you to vote independent, ultimately, to allow better party-political representation.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

No to Cookham crematorium plans

The stretch of land along the Switchback Road is one of the narrowest parts of the green belt in the constituency.

We must resist efforts to develop on this land as a priority.

As your local MP, I will favour the use of small developments over big ones, and lobby against any project which threatens to close up gaps of green space between distinct areas of the constituency.

The constituency may be called "Maidenhead" - but it is in reality made up of lots of small towns and lots of green space.

The mix of rural areas and human environment is a key part of our local character which we must protect especially.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Register to vote

Don’t forget - deadline 11:59 tonight!

The Nicholsons Centre redevelopment and bus services

The Nicholsons Centre is up for redevelopment and I think we would be missing an opportunity for an open-air, green, pedestrianised town centre were we to give the land away to more high-rises.

I want the Borough to look into making a pedestrianised area with integrated greenery and spaces for busking and culture - like a new amphitheatre-style central square.

Maidenhead also needs a proper central bus station to increase connectivity to its satellites and neighbouring towns - Cookham, the Walthams, Bracknell, Ascot - and the land could be used in part for this!

We need to make sure Crossrail expansion benefits the whole of the constituency and Borough and dissipate out extra housing demand where possible with small developments well connected to the centre.

The free Foundation Park bus service is a great example of how Maidenhead's rail connectivity can benefit the whole of the constituency, not just the parts closest to the station.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Regionalist endorsement

Exciting news!

My campaign has been endorsed by the Wessex Regionalist Party.

The Regionalists have a history of standing in this part of the country and Berkshire should be proud of its West-Saxon connections.

Inclusion in the Regionalists’ proposed South West/Wessex region would allow an alliance of more rural communities to form to protect our green-belt and local identity against the expansion of the London metropolis.

We have already seen parts of our town built over with a London market in mind and we should ensure new builds are affordable to locals.

To see the Regionalists’ endorsement of my campaign, please see the link below:

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Manifesto overview

stand for:

a fairer electoral system;


and decentralisation of powers

  • with proportional representation for one house (i.e. the Lords) and constituency-based election in the other (i.e. the Commons)

I will lobby for:

an improvement of local services

  • to restore the Marlow branch-line to High Wycombe;
  • to restore Minor Injuries services at St Mark's Hospital;
  • to simplify train ticketing between Elizabeth line/GWR services

I also wish to:

improve social/welfare access

  • by using my personal M.P. salary to set up an office to help people access social security net services (i.e. paperwork for those needing welfare help; signposting for other services)
Published and promoted by George Wright; 48 Twynham Road, SL6 5AS

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Representation and fairness re. matters of foreign policy


Self-determination is a key principle which will underpins my home and foreign policy leanings.

Regionalisation        I think the U.K. could benefit from a simplified, stratified system of local and regional government. U.K. regions should initially be drawn on historical lines. They would be subdivided into counties and then local authorities (i.e. Windsor and Maidenhead - Berkshire - Wessex region). A simpler system such as this could reduce bureaucracy and lead to more efficient public spending.

Foreign policy        I support the right of all peoples to self-determination and believe the best way to avoid armed conflict is to allow people to determine their nationhood according to referenda. Where armed conflict does arise the U.K.'s guiding principle should be to allow expression of the rights of self-determination, as opposed to irredentism or non-consenting expansionism.

I do not think the U.K. should provide weaponry or arms to any countries under suspicion of war crimes from the United Nations and/or any of its mandated bodies.

Published and promoted by George Wright; 48 Twynham Road, SL6 5AS

Monday, June 10, 2024

3rd day of campaigning over

I have concluded a third day of campaigning, visiting at Portlock and Penystone roads.

Locals were naturally in favour of restoring the Minor Injuries unit at St. Mark's and seemed willing to engage in discussion of my propositions for proportional representation.

Conversing with candidates made me realise that it could be more sensible to elect the Commons by constituency and have the Lords run with PR. Between the two I am not fussy, but it is clear that we need a truly democratic bicameral system.

I am reminded of my nostalgia for this place which is for all intents and purposes my hometown.

Published and promoted by George Wright; 48 Twynham Road, SL6 5AS

A letter to constituents

Dear Constituents,

As candidate is it my aim to put forward a plan which speaks to as many Maidonians as possible; as your Member of Parliament it will be my sworn duty to represent you as best I can.

The party political system forces constituents to vote on national and local issues in one election.

I stand on one main national policy this year - to change this from within.

I propose a proportional system in the Commons and democratise the House of Lords with the constituency-based voting we currently have. These are long-awaited updates to our democracy - ones which have stopped policies as popular as nationalising the railways (with 80% support) ever being enacted.

Locally, my priorities are to lobby for:

- restoration of sections of the Marlow branch line from Maidenhead to High Wycombe

- return of Minor Injuries services at St Mark's Hospital

- simplification of ticketing on the Maidenhead-London train lines (to allow for a fair choice between GWR and Elizabeth line services and/or to allow both provided unconditionally on the same travelcard)

- ensuring new developments are in-keeping with the character of the local area and are not restricted to a single, central area

- a full offer of recycling - we must be able to recycle all products marked 'recyclable' (as this is not always the case!)

Let's vote differently for Maidenhead this year!

Kind regards,
