Monday, June 10, 2024

A letter to constituents

Dear Constituents,

As candidate is it my aim to put forward a plan which speaks to as many Maidonians as possible; as your Member of Parliament it will be my sworn duty to represent you as best I can.

The party political system forces constituents to vote on national and local issues in one election.

I stand on one main national policy this year - to change this from within.

I propose a proportional system in the Commons and democratise the House of Lords with the constituency-based voting we currently have. These are long-awaited updates to our democracy - ones which have stopped policies as popular as nationalising the railways (with 80% support) ever being enacted.

Locally, my priorities are to lobby for:

- restoration of sections of the Marlow branch line from Maidenhead to High Wycombe

- return of Minor Injuries services at St Mark's Hospital

- simplification of ticketing on the Maidenhead-London train lines (to allow for a fair choice between GWR and Elizabeth line services and/or to allow both provided unconditionally on the same travelcard)

- ensuring new developments are in-keeping with the character of the local area and are not restricted to a single, central area

- a full offer of recycling - we must be able to recycle all products marked 'recyclable' (as this is not always the case!)

Let's vote differently for Maidenhead this year!

Kind regards,


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