Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Representation and fairness re. matters of foreign policy


Self-determination is a key principle which will underpins my home and foreign policy leanings.

Regionalisation        I think the U.K. could benefit from a simplified, stratified system of local and regional government. U.K. regions should initially be drawn on historical lines. They would be subdivided into counties and then local authorities (i.e. Windsor and Maidenhead - Berkshire - Wessex region). A simpler system such as this could reduce bureaucracy and lead to more efficient public spending.

Foreign policy        I support the right of all peoples to self-determination and believe the best way to avoid armed conflict is to allow people to determine their nationhood according to referenda. Where armed conflict does arise the U.K.'s guiding principle should be to allow expression of the rights of self-determination, as opposed to irredentism or non-consenting expansionism.

I do not think the U.K. should provide weaponry or arms to any countries under suspicion of war crimes from the United Nations and/or any of its mandated bodies.

Published and promoted by George Wright; 48 Twynham Road, SL6 5AS

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