Friday, June 28, 2024

View the Maidenhead hustings

A member of a local politics Facebook group has helpfully posted a full video of the hustings online. See them here:

Endorsement of the Climate Party

More exciting news! The Climate Party have also endorsed my campaign at this year’s election.

The Party are committed to rising to the challenge of climate change through engagement with the rest of the world.

They support a clean new Industrial Revolution in renewable energies.

I share enthusiasm for their vision that Britain can once again become a world leader in technologies and take on a role of responsible leadership in the world!

You can view the Climate Party’s website here:

And my endorsement page here:

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wessex Regionalism near Wessex Way

I was gladly joined on the campaign trail today by David Robins from the Wessex Regionalist Party. We’ve been leafleting around Wessex Way and other roads named after the Heptarchy.

As part of the Wessex region, Maidenhead will be able to ally itself with other Western areas, putting environmental and green concerns at the forefront and preserving our great Western local character even as we have become more connected, by transport, to London.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hustings video link

Visit this site to request the YouTube link to Maidenhead hustings:


Silly me forgot to advertise this event on all my platforms!

I am hosting a meet-and-greet event at Michele’s CafĂ©, Cookham, between 11am and 4pm today!

Monday, June 24, 2024

On Brexit and Democracy

From a letter given to constituents in the Pinkneys Green ward, 9th June 2024.

Having taken an avid interest in politics since the 2010 General Election, I became disillusioned with politics in the fallout of the Brexit vote. Brexit involved the largest democratic exercise in the U.K.'s history, yet exactly what the vote would mean constitutionally was immediately thrown in to question. The debate became so toxic that many wished to no longer hear the B-word. Many also put their trust in different parties, voting differently because of the Government's indecision.

Brexit brought into sharp contrast the inefficiencies of our political system.

As an independent I am not interested in towing a party line but doing the best I can for my constituents. I am for electoral reform and believe in [having one] proportionally elected [House] and [one] constituency-elected [House] - the latter because I know how important local representation is.

Our current system puts national, ideological representation and local representation in conflict - but this CAN be different! I will do my job as a constituency MP by representing constituents and consulting them regularly - but also advocate for REFORM such that ideological representation may also happen locally. Paradoxically, I urge you to vote independent, ultimately, to allow better party-political representation.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

No to Cookham crematorium plans

The stretch of land along the Switchback Road is one of the narrowest parts of the green belt in the constituency.

We must resist efforts to develop on this land as a priority.

As your local MP, I will favour the use of small developments over big ones, and lobby against any project which threatens to close up gaps of green space between distinct areas of the constituency.

The constituency may be called "Maidenhead" - but it is in reality made up of lots of small towns and lots of green space.

The mix of rural areas and human environment is a key part of our local character which we must protect especially.